Mom Entrepreneurs

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How Hard Can the World be for Mom Entrepreneurs ?

Motherhood can be a very fulfilling, yet frustrating time for a woman. You see, motherhood can actually prevent women from accomplishing many of the goals they have set for themselves.

Nowadays, it is only proper that both parents share the responsibility of rearing a child. However, we cannot deny the fact that mothers often have a harder time. In this line of thinking, what do you think mom entrepreneurs face in today's world?

Well, many moms actually find that being an entrepreneur is much better than being an employee. You see, when you are a mom entrepreneur, you are your own boss. This means you will be able to balance time between taking care of a child and making money. Being a mom entrepreneur also gives you the advantage of choosing where to go and when. 

Mom entrepreneurs actually do not have it so hard nowadays as they did a few years back. You see, technology today has evolved to a point that it makes being an entrepreneur quite easy, whether you are a mother or not.

Mom entrepreneurs nowadays can actually take care of business even when they are at home. The technological marvel of the internet actually means that being a home-based mom entrepreneur has a lot of advantages.

Mom entrepreneurs nowadays have a chance at becoming globally competitive, as the internet actually allows people from all over the world to do business with you. Mom entrepreneurs also have a number of opportunities out there for them to take advantage of. You see, a mom entrepreneur nowadays has a much bigger chance of making a lot of money than being a mom employee.

What does it take to be a mom entrepreneur? Well, if you want to join the ranks of the 10.6 million women who own businesses and generate 2.5 trillion dollars annually, you'll have to have the character of a mom entrepreneur.

You'll need patience and lots of it. Taking care of a child and of a business at the same time can be pretty frustrating. In order to be a mom entrepreneur you have to learn how to keep your cool even during the direst of situations. You need to be patient with your children as well as your business.

You also need to be prepared for any kind of problem that you might face. As a mom entrepreneur, you will be facing a huge amount of pressure. All you need to do is to think to yourself: "I am a mom! I know I have been through worse!"

There are some ways how you can ease the pressure of being a mom entrepreneur. For one thing, you could consider getting some help. Hiring a nanny would be a pretty good idea since you won't always have time for your kids. You see, even if you control your time, there are some instances when your business would require you to work in unconventional times.

Getting support from your family is crucial in being a mom entrepreneur. You need somebody there who can make you believe even if you are full of doubt. Who you need is someone to hold you up when the problems are trying to beat you down. People need to understand you when your business is going through a rough time. However, you should remember that not all people appreciate being treated like shock absorbers all the time.

When deciding to become a mom entrepreneur, be sure that you will be venturing into a business involving something you love. You do not want to add to your frustrations by taking on a business that you just hate. Think of your interests and try to get an idea from there. Mom entrepreneurs who do this end up the most successful, because they make money doing something they love.

What you need to understand is that being a mom will not hinder you from being an entrepreneur. Don't feel that the world is trying to bring you down because of your being a mom entrepreneur. Id you do this, you will end up blaming your kids and you might lose your family.

Between business and family, remember that family should always come first. This philosophy will lead you to success.

Young Entrepreneurs

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Call to All Young Entrepreneurs : Leverage for Your Small Home Based Business
Being a young entrepreneur, your small business is only as good for all those people who know about it. And for those who don't know, well they simply don't care.

After all the hardships you have gone through while starting up your business. After all those attempt to give it all up and return back to more secured corporate living. After all the risks you have to pass through. And now that you have toughed them all, the only aim that you now have is to make your small business grow.

Well, that actually is not as simple as it may sound. Making your small business grow will lead you to more compromises. This entails you to take further risks. It is harder this time of course because you are delving into deeper realms of risk. Sometime, the absence of assurance for success will make it more difficult for you to get on through the next level.

One of the many paths to growth from your youth in entrepreneurship towards maturity is to spread words of your small home based business. You may posses the best of the products in the industry but there would be no sense to them if the only people who know are those that are within your block. Your product may have the potentials of breaching million dollar sales but if no one buys it, there is no sense in dreaming of becoming a tycoon.

Start promoting yourself and your services. Some small home based business young entrepreneurs begin promoting their products even before they were fully launched. However, there are many who do promotions only when they have tapped the estimated potentials of their items. You always have the choice between the two though.

There are two basic techniques that you may use to take your small home based business into the scene. One is through paid advertisement and the other through public relations.

Paid advertisements require the process of negotiating with advertising agencies and stations to have your product promoted. Mediums like televisions, websites, newspapers and radio spots are among the most typical options you have.

In public relations however, you would have to ask an author to have your story and your business venture written on articles or an expert as search reference. The only problem though is that you have to be convincing or your story must have that extra pop so as to be worthy of mention.

While publicity may oftentimes require you to share the toll of finding a writer to work for your home based business, there is still no way for you to disregard the benefits of having your story advertised. It also has cost effective feature since you seldom pay for such an advertising medium. But the better part goes with the truth that you can be better remembered with an article rather than in a TV commercial. People normally have more trust on a write-up rather than paid advertisement showed in TV or in the internet. Publicity also offers the potentials of reaching through various people and if you have that good streak of luck, the national audience may be reached by your story.

Even the online world recognizes that actual power of television advertisements than using links and postings on message boards. There are many times when the website has become successful because it was featured on a television show. Thus, discarding all the "almost useful" power of drawing people through creating juggling lines of links in the web.

The media works on herd mentality. Once a program caught site of what your home based business has to offer, other programs may have the hitch of spreading the word further. Thus, you can expect other shows to modify your own story to supplement for their own. This is very effective indeed since you will have your advertisement without spending a dime while reaching wide spectrum of audience.

The problem though comes with attracting journalist and writers towards your home based small business story.

Plan your target points. Your aim is to court writers towards writing your tale. Never put them off by sending bulks of email to virtually all journalists that you know. Point only towards those who are in the beat with your story. Identify what publications will find your venture useful and know which kind will use your story. Try making a list of newspapers, radio programs and television spots that will work well with your aim. If you truly want publicity, go direct with personal emails or letters to those who are most likely to find your small home based business story interesting.

Entrepreneur Home Business

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Entrepreneur: Starting a Home-Based Business

Home-based works are becoming more and more popular these days. Moms who want to spend more time attending their children and taking care of the house enter this type of business. Dads who can give up the time they spend at the office are starting to convert their home as workplace. And of course, many companies are starting to welcome out-based employees on their payroll. But then you ask: How do you start a home-based business on your own?

This article aims to answer this single and most important question.

When starting something, you should know what is that something your should start. In the case of home-based business, you should start with identifying what type of business that fits you.

In doing this, you need to know your interest. Since you will be spending most of your time at home, your lifestyle would change with a great tendency that you will live in monotony. And this is the dangerous part of home-based business. What you should do is to know what are the things you are good at and what are the things you would love to do over and over again. This will lay the ground on deciding what type of home-based business is right for you.

Weigh on your interest, skill, and talent. Obviously these are 3 different things. Talents are inert while skill is something you know how to do. Interest on the other hand is that thing you want to do. To put it on other terms, talent is passive, skill is active, and interest is both active and passive. If you work out that these 3 will compensate one another, then you are one step ahead in realizing your home-based business.

How to put all these 3 together is completely up to you. As a tip, you can create a short list of the things you love to do. Make sure you make plenty of them so that you can arrive at something you really want. Same thing goes with you talents and your skills. If you have a particular business in mind, you can still make lists of your interests, skills, and talents. This will give you better chances of arriving a he best type of home-based business for you and not on the thing that first popped-out of your mind.

Putting them together is like this: You have a great interest in reading while you have the talent in writing and your skill is putting ideas on paper. All these would become one if you decide to become a writer or translator. This will also apply on other home-based jobs such as catering services, home renovation services, cleaning services, consultancy and more.

Be reminded that coming up with a particular type of business does not mean you have already created one. You should still have to evaluate further if you are up to the nature of the business. In other words: put your idea to the test.

For example, if the type of business involves staying in front of the computer for more than 8 hours a day or speaking to a lot of people everyday, then you have to determine if you can carry the task.

Study the profitability of the business you are venturing in. Draw up a business plan to determine this. Assess the outcome of the plan and make sure you redraw another one if you find things you need to change.

Make sure that you run smoothly on the early stage of your business. Committing mistakes would cost you too much both on time and money invested. If all the day’s work will prove nothing, then you might have to change not the business, but the plan.

If you happen to fail on your initial try, never think of starting all over again. This is the worst mistake an entrepreneur would commit. Sadly, this is the most common thing that would happen in case the business fails. Just learn to move on and start where you have left off. Experience is the best teacher right? So all you have to do is to make sure that you will never have to repeat the same mistake you have committed.

Business Entrepreneur Ideas Trends

Sunday, March 7, 2010

  Ideas for Entrepreneurs : Realities of Home Based Internet Business Trends

Before your eye gloss with the thought of establishing your own home based business via Internet, let us first have a reality check and check the trends.

Entrepreneurs venturing into the World Wide Web typically have dreams of having time all for themselves, sitting on their couches with laptops on and money pouring continuously with every click. That's possible, all right but this normally is not a case.

Though we are talking of home based business in here, it is still not true that we can get things easily. Or that we can earn hundreds of thousands even while we sleep. Don't be lured with business opportunities in the web that offer too-good-to-be-true fantasies. If they're dealing with a motto like "be a millionaire in 1 month" then it is time for you to have doubts. Success don't come easy, you know that. Only those who have a perfect combination of events and ideal attitude towards works would be the people who can be showered with success.

The specific idea of becoming a home based internet business entrepreneur is that of leaving an old job of stressful deadline buzzing and annoying bosses overlooking your works, in exchange for a flexible job that you are in total control of.

That's true. You really would have these benefits when you switch to home base jobs and perhaps, you'll gain even more.

Well, working home based in the internet is totally relieving. You wont have to abide with company cultures or deal with people you refuse to see every working days. You will also get around spending on transportation, clothing and eating allowances and most especially, you'll be freed from the worries of stress and tension.

However, it's not always easy to sail on with internet businesses. They are equally risky as compared with off line business ventures. We are not putting a scare in here, it's just that we want you to open your eyes to truths that you would sooner or later face. Truths that are inevitable parts of internet business transactions.

After quitting your job, which most home based Internet entrepreneurs do, you have to be ready with loosing many things. However, if home based internet business works well for you, those losses will become insignificant as compared with the gains you have acquired through taking risks.

One great risk is you'll stop getting your fixed source of income. There are good and bad sides to this. And depending on your case, they may either make or break your business life.

All jobs have some degree of uncertainty in them after all, business would have to deal with risks of failure or of success. However, entrepreneurs have a good argument of controlling your own income is better than having other people fix it for you. That way, you'll have greater elbow room for growth. However, you must also be prepared for periods of losses.

Remember that even the largest establishment fail. No one can ever be assured that Internet sales would keep on coming. You would surely have great and bad months and the only thing that you can be assured of is that you always have to deal with unpredictability of trends. If you are not a risk taker, a steady paycheck may appeal to you more than an unsteady business earning.

As an entrepreneur, you have to face the truth that once you embark on an internet home based business, this very thing will be your life. It's like turning work into your obsession as to eliminate the work attitude and all factors that go with it. Once you leave work, you really have to leave your old job. Most entrepreneurs practice breathing their own business so they need not experience fatigue while working and will therefore be able to dedicate long hours on their work without even getting fed up with it. 

Making money would be impossible unless you take charge of really selling your business. Well that would surely be a task that you would have to dedicate yourself into. Initially, you invest days of unrest for getting your home based business through its second juncture. And the same would be true until you can actually settle yourself and realize that everything is going great.

Remember that there is no sure path to success, even if we are to talk success in its many facets, than to toil and really sweat for it. In the end, you'll be happy that you did. After all, all your toil will boil down towards your earnings.

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